Taking Route

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Dream Big (...but don't forget reality)

When I first set out on this expat adventure, I thought I was going to change the world. I had big dreams. Big plans.  However, soon after I landed abroad, reality set in. It hit hard too. I remember thinking,  “OK, I am in a new culture, don’t know the language, don’t know my new city, I got kids, a husband, piles of dirty laundry, a house to clean and I somehow have to get food on the table ….all while trying to keep my sanity in this new place that is so foreign.”   Needless to say, I soon realized that I was not going to change the world.  At least, not in that moment when I wasn't even settled into my new life as an expat. Yet, with this realization came a second realization: there are, indeed, a select group of people that I do have influence over. We all have people in our life to whom we can teach and implore simple truths.  I may not be in a position to reach millions of people at this stage in life, but there are people who I have in my life everyday.I have friends and neighbors who I see all the time. Most importantly, I'm constantly with the tiny humans...my children. I have an opportunity each day to teach, educate, and correct these tiny humans of mine.I have the opportunity to show them the correct attitudes to have in life. I mean, let's face it, things don't always go our way. The unexpected happens more often than we would like. We can choose to deal with it in a way that reflects positively and benefits others, OR we can choose to have attitudes that hinder and harm others' outlook on things. We have influence over those around us, whether we are aware of it or not. The choice is ours. Honestly, after my ambitions came face-to-face with reality, it finally hit me that I am a wife and I am a mother. I have responsibilities to my family and these responsibilities won’t be forever. I'm not going to be a mother of preschoolers, toddlers and infants for the rest of my life. It is just for the time-being. I better make the most of it. Our roles change with each season of life. I may not be able to accomplish my original goals at this moment in time, but I can still be effective in and with the opportunities I do have.  I learned to find joy in simple things, in the everyday things. The fact that I am blessed to have sweet children who are healthy and happy (most days), a husband who provides for me, a support system of friends that are just a phone call away. These are all little things that I take for granted. Sure, there are times when life isn't perfect, when I don't get the laundry done or dinner isn't a gourmet meal, but that's not as big a deal as I make it out to be. Reality. God is ultimately in control. It’s His will that will be done.  WE are just the vessel. So, sit back and enjoy the ride.And let’s not forget to be grateful for the experience. Did you have big dreams before moving overseas that didn't end up meshing well with your reality? Are you still hopeful to one day live out those dreams? Any new dreams since moving overseas that you didn't expect to have? We'd love to hear them! finonabio