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Homemade Eggnog

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Several days ago, I shared a chai hot chocolate recipe and mentioned how it would have to become a Christmas drink tradition, much like our homemade eggnog. A friendly reader asked if I might be willing to share THAT recipe and I thought to myself, "What a perfect excuse to go ahead and make some eggnog!" I've gotten a teensy bit behind schedule with the season this year (since we added a precious little girl to our family a mere 6 weeks ago), so I've been trying to play catch-up with all of our Christmas traditions. Eggnog has been on my mind ever since the month started!My husband and I teamed up in the making of this delicious beverage. I'm sure it could be a one-person job but I just didn't feel like keeping up with whether or not the milk was getting too hot or if I was going to accidentally scramble, rather than temper, some eggs in the process of making this delicious treat. Plus, I had the baby strapped on me. Naturally, my toddler didn't want to be left out of the fun happening in our tiny kitchen, so he joined us. This made for a nice, sweaty warm, family-fun experience.We decided to grate our own nutmeg this year. The smell and taste is amazing. I highly recommend going the freshly-grated route. You don't have to, of course, but it really adds to the flavor.So without further adieux, let's start making some eggnog! Today I'll be sending you over to Market to Meal for the recipe. If you don't already know about Sara Beth's blog, you're missing out on a great resource. Just take a look at her recipe index and be amazed at her massive collection of made-from-scratch recipes. An expat's cooking dream come true.Go get the recipe at Market to Mealactivate javascript