A Call to Older Expat Women: Help!


Three kids, cloth diapers, homeschool, 2-day power outages, long nasty trips to the market, strep throat, babies cutting molars, temper tantrums, power-struggles, husbands in the bush, broken water pump, lice...again.  No grandparents, no Mommy-Day-Out, no Starbucks, no gym with a pool, no fellowship nursery, no safe outdoor playground, no car, no dishwasher, no air-conditioner.

Do you remember those days?  Are they filled with nostalgia?  Do you remember the sweet days when your children rose early and you served warm cinnamon rolls fresh from the oven?  Do you smile at the young Mom's as the rock their babies to sleep in the back of the team meeting?  Do you fondly remember the smell of your little babes and wish you could rewind the days to be back with them again, cuddling on the couch reading "Goodnight Moon"?  Are you compelled to race up to the Momma and tell her to treasure every moment because they slip away so fast?It's a nice reminder.  

Because honestly, it is easy to forget when our back is breaking from standing on hard tile floors all day, 7-months pregnant or we're burning up from nursing a sweaty baby under a nursing cover in 100 degree heat. Or when we are lonely because we haven't spoken to another woman (in our heart language) all week.  Yup, we need the reminder. But, you know what would be really wonderful?  If you followed up the reminder with a question. 

How can I help?  Or better yet.  When can I help?

I bet that young mother is dying for a date night with her husband.  She hasn't had one in TWO YEARS.  She also yearns for you to just come over and hang out while she cooks dinner.  Maybe slip in a little story time with the kiddos during a lull in the conversation.  She would love to hear about your adventures raising TCK's.  She wants you to teach her how you make homemade bread and to reassure her that she is doing a great job and that wiping snotty noses and poopy rears will one day bear fruit.

She wants you to take time.  She wants you to invest in her and in her life.  In her family's life.I know you are busy.  You have homes of your own and jobs to do and kids to Skype with.  But raising up the next generation of workers is important, and it should have priority somewhere on that never-ending list of to-do's.  There is a huge gap.  I believe if we asked around, we would find many women who feel they have had very little guidance or mentorship.  Others may say they feel like they were thrown into the stormy waters of cross-cultural living...sink or swim...so, they are treading, heads barely above the water.You know what they say about drowning?  That it is silent.  Hard to detect.  Kids drown with parents sitting poolside chatting with friends.  Usually the ones who are struggling to stay afloat, who are fighting for air and dire need of saving, can't get enough breath to yell out on their own.  

So this is a call to you!  Help! Jump in the stormy waters with us.  Don't just help us with the kids (though that is always welcomed).  Help us navigate this bumpy, joy-filled journey.  Take us by the hand and lead us.  Be honest with us.  Pray with us.  Love us.  Spend time with us.  Teach us. We want to learn. 

You have so much to offer!


They are to teach what is good,and so train the young women to love their husbands and children,to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.                                          Titus 2:3-5

Have you invested in a younger expat woman?  What did that look like?  What about you young mom, what are your desires for mentorship?  What suggestions do you have for older women to engage in deeper relationships with you?