Are You Struggling with Transitionitis?


Written in jest (but only partly)...


Transitionitis is a very common ailment affecting hundreds of travellers each year. It is caused by the change in routine brought on by transition, and anxieties (often underlying) relating to the unknowns of the new location and losses associated with leaving the current location.


Wildly turbulent emotions

Unexplained tearfulness

Inability to sleep due to thoughts running away

Exhaustion and increased need to sleep

Upset stomach

Loss of appetite

Comfort eating

Mushy brain

Inability to think straight

Unexplained, unusual aches and pains due to emotional tension stored in the body.

For children, symptoms include:

Regression in behavioral progress

Tantrums-increased naughtiness


The only known cure for Transitionitis is to stay in one place forever, or to follow through with the planned transition.


Understanding that your symptoms relate to Transitionitis helps to bring peace of mind.

Aim for a balance between travel-related preparations vs. fun.

Avoid unnecessary new experiences during transition times.

Stick with the known, familiar and loved (e.g. foods, restaurants, films, books, activities).

Money can't buy you happiness—but it can help. Don't be afraid to use some funds to pay for something to ease your situation.

Keep an eye on the basics (e.g. drink enough water, move your body, get enough sleep). It's all too easy to let these slip when your routine is off-kilter.


Take notice of your symptoms to understand your unique profile of Transitionitis. Please note: people around you will deal with transition in different ways from you—thats ok, let them! But if you are transitioning together, you will need to work out how to help one another.

Adopt routines that serve as an anchor for you when you still feel unsettled. This will help manage your symptoms.

Write a master list of things that need to be done and great it down into smaller, more manageable tasks according to how soon things need to be done. This reduces unnecessary brain effort at a time when perhaps you are not thinking so clearly.


Mark 5:35-41—Jesus calms the storm.
Jesus is Lord of stormy situations.

Psalm 46:10—Be still and know that I am God.
Take time out of the storm to be still with God.

Lamentations 3:22-23—God’s mercies are new every morning.
Make it a conscious practice to lift your eyes from the storm to look out for God’s daily mercies.

Mark 12:31—Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
Be as kind to yourself as you would be to your neighbor if they were going through this. We often forget this, but how can we love our neighbor well if do not also love ourselves?


Understanding that the unusual behavior and emotions stems from Transitionitis helps to bring peace of mind.

Be ready with lots and lots of grace, understanding, love, encouragements, hugs and tissues.

Encourage a balance between necessary tasks associated with the journey, and fun, distracting times for rest and refreshment.

Relieve the sufferer of unnecessary decision making. They have too much on their mind to make these decisions.

However, if the sufferer feels that the transition is outside of their control, they may appreciate the chance to control some decisions. (This especially applies to children who probably didn't choose the transition).