Episode 18: Embracing a Healthy Body Image Overseas with Elizabeth Trotter


Stress, transition and unrealistic expectations of a culture can all be triggers for eating disorders and negative body issues.  All three of these things are prevalent in life abroad.  Elizabeth Trotter, Editor of A Life Overseas, shares candidly about her personal story of battling an eating disorder and how she has seen victory in this area of her life. Elizabeth shares how to speak positively about our bodies in front our children and how to protect them from unwanted touching and attention. She points out common signs of someone struggling with an eating disorder and gives us practical advice for speaking truth over ourselves and seeing ourselves as a beautiful creation of God. Don’t forget you can listen and subscribe on iTunes or Spotify.  If you leave us a review we will be happy! happy! happy!  It’s so easy, right from your phone.

If you would like to follow along with Elizabeth and her life in Cambodia, you can follow her personal 


 or  and her personal


.  She also writes for

Velvet Ashes


A Life Overseas,

 where she is the editor.If you are getting Melissa and Alicia confused, here is blurry photo for your reference.

Melissa is on the left and Alicia is the right, the one with the mustache.  That baby belongs to Melissa and he is now four years old.

A couple noteworthy quotes from this episode:

Denise DOES want to tell what she would do if a guest eat the treats she/he just brought from America.  She would slap the food right out of their hand and yell "Denise does not share food."

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